About Me
For a formal introduction, you can download my Curriculum Vitae here (.PDF file)
Here is an informal introduction:
I was born in Caracas, Venezuela, on march 8, 1986. I am a computer scientist from La Facultad de Ciencias of La Universidad Central de Venezuela in Caracas, Venezuela. I graduated in July 2010, in the days when the finals of the 2010 World Cup was being played. The year 2010 was a special year for me. Like I said, I got my Computer Science degree, but also traveled to several countries with my dad (we went to: USA -Los Angeles-, Japan -Tokyo, Osaka and Hiroshima-, South Korea -Seoul-, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, India -New Delhi and Agra- and France -Paris; my favorite place being Tokyo!). Like that wasn't enough, I also decided to marry the love of my life, Karina, on December 18. In 2011 I graduated from the University of Phoenix with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration/Finance. This degree was possible thanks to a scholarship I earned while working at GlobalWebTek. I have some mix feelings about the education provided by this school and the distance education model in general.
I am currently working towards a Master's Degree in Computer Science at Indiana University, Bloomington in the United States. After this I am planning to get my PhD in Computer Science and possibly a second Master Degree in Mathematics. (update!, I have completed my Master's Degree in Computer Science at Indiana University, Bloomington and also a second Master Degree in Mathematics also at Indiana University. I will begin PhD studies in Computer Science at Brown University beginning Fall 2015).
Ever since I can remember I wanted to work with computers. At first I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do, but that quickly change when my dad first have Internet up & running in our home back in the '90s. As time unfold I found the Internet and Web development to be a real passion of mine. My first job was in the year 2001 as a developer for Venezuelatuya.com, alongside Hernan Rosas, who was also my mentor while working at Venezuelatuya.com and later at GlobalWebTek. I worked in the later company since day 1 in august 2003, until I decided to work on my own. I first worked as a freelancer until I decided to establish my own business Esto Es Web.com in the year 2008.
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Here are a few of my personal photos. Enjoy!