
Category: Projects Published: Sunday, 24 May 2015

GlobalWebTek is a Venezuelan based company born in 2003 whose mission is to help other companies in the creation of effective e-business strategies so that they can potentiate the way they do business online.

I work for this company since its beginnings in 2003 until I decided to create my own company (Esto Es Web) with a similar mission but a different approach. In turn I left my company to pursue further graduate studies in The School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University.

I worked in several projects while being an employee of GWT (GlobalWebTek). Among the most important are:

  1. PhotoXS a digital photo handling system based on Netherlands
  2. Hertz Rent a Car web-based rental system in Venezuela, and
  3. Net2Client a comprehensive web-based CRM system with WebInABox, a CMS companion.

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