Introduction To Differential Equations I
This is a ungraduate level course being offered at Indiana University by the Math Department. I took this course on Summer 2013. The textbook we used was Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, William E. Boyce and Richard C. DiPrima, a standard textbook to introduce this subject. The following is a compilation of my solutions to assignments given in class.
- Assignment 1 (with solution)
- Assignment 2 (with solution)
- Assignment 3 (with solution)
- Assignment 4 (with solution)
- Assignment 5 (with solution)
- Assignment 6 (with solution)
- Assignment 7 (with solution)
- Assignment 8 (with solution)
- Practice Problems for Final - [Solutions]
- Summary Study Guide
- Separation of Variables
- Flowchart taken from this website (this is a very good resource)
- Cheatsheet taken from this website (also a very good resource)
- Final Study Guide material from Matthew Chesnes
Calculus IV
This is a ungraduate level course being offered at Indiana University by the Math Department. I took this course on Fall 2013 with Prof. Zbigniew Błocki. The textbook we used was A. Tromba, Vector Calculus, 6th ed., and we covered Chapters 4, 7, 8, plus some additional topics. The following is a compilation of my solutions to assignments given in class (all assignments are from the textbook).
- Assignment 1 - [Solution]
- Assignment 2 - [Solution]
- Assignment 3 - [Solution]
- Assignment 4 - [Solution]
- Assignment 5 - [Solution]
- Assignment 6 - [Solution]
- Assignment 7 - [Solution]
- Assignment 8 - [Solution]
- Assignment 9 - [Solution]
- Assignment 10 - [Solution]
- Assignment 11 - [Solution]
- Assignment 12 - [Solution]
- Assignment 13 - [Solution]
Calculus III
This is a ungraduate level course being offered at Indiana University by the Math Department. I took this course on Summer 2012 and lead recitation on Spring and Fall 2013. The textbook we used was Multivariable Calculus, 6th ed., by Stewart. The following is a compilation of my solutions to assignments given in class as well as exams and resources I prepared for recitations.
- Final Exam Spring 2013 (with solutions)
- Final Exam Summer 2010 (with solutions)
- Final Exam Fall 2013 (no solutions provided)
- MidTerm 1 Spring 2011 - [Solutions]
- MidTerm 2 Spring 2011 - [Solutions]
- MidTerm 3 Spring 2011 - [Solutions]
- Compilation of Resources for Recitation (exercises from Multivariable Calculus, 6th ed., by Stewart.
- Practice Final Exam
- Vector Functions And Space Curves
- Worksheet Cross Product and Planes (with solutions)
- Worksheet Minimum and Maximum (with solutions)
- List of Common Integrals taken from Paul Skoufranis' website
- Handouts (the following 4 handouts are material by Art Belmonte. Checkout his webpage, very useful)