Linear Algebra and Applications
Category: Teaching
Published: Friday, 05 June 2015
M301 Linear Algebra and Applications
This is an undergraduate course offered by the Math Department at Indiana University. According to their webpage, in this course the students are exposed to: "Solving systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, determinants, vector spaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Selection of advanced topics. Applications throughout. Computer used for theory and applications". I assisted Prof. Jack Hanson and the following material is of his creation. This is a very useful material as a complement to the textbook used in this course: Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 4th Edition by Lay.
Notes on Lay
- Definitions
- Determinants
- Lay Section 1
- Lay Section 2
- Lay Section 3
- Lay Section 5
- Lay Section 6
- Exam 1 (no solution provided)
- Final Exam (no solution provided)
- Practice Final - [Solution]