Linear Transformations
Category: Algebra
Published: Monday, 25 May 2015
This is a ungraduate/graduate level course being offered at Indiana University by the Math Department. I took this course on Summer 2012 with Prof. Chris Judge. The textbook we used was Linear Algebra, 3rd Edition by Serge Lang., a very good book in my opinion but somewhat hard to grasp at first, but you can get get used to it. The following is a compilation of my solutions to assignments given in class. All assignments are from the textbook. You can also check Solutions Manual for Lang's Linear Algebra
- Assignment 1 (with solutions)
- Assignment 2
- Assignment 3 (with solutions)
- Assignment 4 (with solutions)
- Assignment 5 (with solutions)
Video Lectures
- University of Colorado Online Math
Excellente resource for many math classes. For this class I recommend: MATH 4130 Linear Algebra I, Fall 2007* - Dr. Radu Cascaval