Calculus III
Category: Calculus
Published: Monday, 25 May 2015
This is a ungraduate level course being offered at Indiana University by the Math Department. I took this course on Summer 2012 and lead recitation on Spring and Fall 2013. The textbook we used was Multivariable Calculus, 6th ed., by Stewart. The following is a compilation of my solutions to assignments given in class as well as exams and resources I prepared for recitations.
- Final Exam Spring 2013 (with solutions)
- Final Exam Summer 2010 (with solutions)
- Final Exam Fall 2013 (no solutions provided)
- MidTerm 1 Spring 2011 - [Solutions]
- MidTerm 2 Spring 2011 - [Solutions]
- MidTerm 3 Spring 2011 - [Solutions]
- Compilation of Resources for Recitation (exercises from Multivariable Calculus, 6th ed., by Stewart.
- Practice Final Exam
- Vector Functions And Space Curves
- Worksheet Cross Product and Planes (with solutions)
- Worksheet Minimum and Maximum (with solutions)
- List of Common Integrals taken from Paul Skoufranis' website
- Handouts (the following 4 handouts are material by Art Belmonte. Checkout his webpage, very useful)