Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
I201 Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
This is a course offered by the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University as part of the Informatics major.
I was an Associate Instructor for this course several times: Summer 2013, Fall 2013 and Summer 2014. The two main books used for this course are: Discrete Mathematics with Applications by Epp and Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Rosen. These are really good books but unfortunately expensive. If you do buy them, you will have a resource for a long time not just for the duration of the course. Note that in previous years (Summer 2013) this course was done differently and we used the textbook Informatics I201 by Haghverdi, a must have resource for a solid foundation in logic to whoever wishes to learn more about Computer Science. That year we also used Tarski's World: Revised and Expanded (Center for the Study of Language and Information - Lecture Notes), an interactive and gentle introduction to first-order logic. The following are some useful resources for this course. All materials from Summer 2013 are from Dr. Esfandiar Haghverdi.
- Assignment 1 (Summer 2013)
- Assignment 2 (Summer 2013)
- Assignment 3 (Summer 2013)
- Assignment 4 (Summer 2013)
- Assignment 5 (Summer 2013)
- Assignment 6 (Summer 2013)
- Assignment 7 (Summer 2013)
- Assignment 8 (Summer 2013)
- Quiz 1 (Summer 2013)
- Quiz 2 (Summer 2013)
- Quiz 3 (Summer 2013)
- Quiz 6 (Summer 2013)
- Quiz 7 (Summer 2013)
- Quiz 8 (Summer 2013)
- Final Exam (Summer 2013)
- Sample Final Exam (Summer 2013)
- MidTerm 2 (Summer 2013)
- Sample MidTerm 2 (Summer 2013)
- Sample MidTerm 1 (Summer 2013)